The Surprising Truth About Daily Naps Revealed

Do you have a preferred “nap style”? Some prefer a quick doze on the couch with the TV on (“I’m not sleeping” is a must), while others catch a quick 30 minutes on public transport heading home from work or school.

According to Online Bedroom Furniture, one in five people takes a nap for about 20 to 30 minutes every day. But is napping really good for your health? Could it be better to hold off and get more sleep at night? The answer is ‘yes,’ but only if you’re keeping your naps short.

Short naps increase focus and reduce fatigue

Waking up and crying out for “just 10 more minutes” doesn’t discriminate between nighttime and daytime naps. However, according to sleep health specialist Michael Gardner, “Naps should be short and sweet. 15 to 45 minutes is ideal. Keeping to this time frame can improve memory and reduce fatigue for the rest of the day.” He warned that if nap times become too long, it can actually make you more tired.

Furthermore, Gardner emphasized that taking naps in an overall good condition can significantly improve work performance.

The benefits of napping aren’t new news. Google has already implemented a nap system. They’ve installed sleep rooms in their offices complete with state-of-the-art beds and sound facilities.

Taking a nap significantly reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. However, it’s not necessary to take a nap every day for this. According to a study published by the UK medical journal Heart in 2019, people who took naps 1-2 times a week had a 48% lower risk of cardiovascular disease compared to those who didn’t.

Good nap, bad nap?

Meanwhile, Gardner advises paying attention not only to the act of taking a nap but also to the reasons behind it.

“If you’re taking a nap because work is going better, that’s great. But if you absolutely can’t resist napping due to drowsiness, it could be due to health issues. Also, even if you take a nap, if you don’t get enough sleep at night, the quality of your sleep will significantly decrease,” Gardner said.

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