Your Sleep Enemy, 10 habits that secretly ruin your sleep before going to bed !

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3. Watching smartphones or TV

I know I shouldn’t, but I often reach out to my cell phone, iPad, or laptop while I’m in bed. But Dr. Alex Dimitriu, a psychiatrist and sleep medicine specialist, advises people to put up with this behavior.

Dr. Dimitriu explained that looking at the blue light on the screen, such as a cell phone or iPad, is an act that wakes you up.

Ideally, don’t look at the screen one to two hours before bedtime, he said. “Reading is much more helpful than a smartphone.”

Also, Martin Reed, a clinical sleep health educator, said watching TV in bed also hinders sleep. “The habit of watching TV at night can lead to watching TV in a short time,” Reed said. “Especially when you watch Netflix, which automatically plays new episodes as soon as the video is over, it can lead to a lack of sleep due to a delay in bedtime.”

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