Summer People Must Read Either Sunscreen, Good or Bad for Daily Use. Here the answer!

Sunscreen is a daily necessity throughout the four seasons, but you should pay more attention to it in summer.

Over the past month, Google’s question of “How much sunblock should I put on my face?” has increased by more than 100% from the past. Most people are well aware that they need to apply sunscreen, but not many know exactly how much they need to actually apply to see the effect. Sixty percent of Britons were unaware of the appropriate amount of sunscreen.

Then, how much sunblock should I put on to make it effective? Will it work if I put on a small amount? According to Healthline, Cynthia Bailey, founder and specialist of Dr. Bailey’s skin care, said it is effective to apply about 1.13 grams of sun cream when applying it to the face. In addition, it was recommended to apply about 28.3g of sunscreen to the entire body. This is generally much more than the amount of sunscreen people put on in their daily lives.

If it is difficult to control the amount with the number of grams, Cult Beauty recommended applying about 2 teaspoons of sunscreen to the face and neck.

There are three things to keep in mind when applying sunscreen. First, when applying sunscreen, try to avoid irritation and apply it gently with three fingers. Let’s spread it out gently all over the face, ears, and neck.

Second, let’s massage gently so that it can penetrate well when applying sunscreen. Don’t miss areas that are exposed to sunlight, such as the neck, hands, and the back of your feet, but are easy to forget to apply sunscreen. Third, let’s not forget that the effects of sunblock appear after about 15 minutes. Let’s put on sunscreen in advance when we do outdoor activities.

Dr. Deborah Lee of Dr. Fox, an online pharmacy, shared tips to stay healthy when doing outdoor activities under strong sunlight.

1. Only 15 minutes of sunlight a day is enough

Exposure to sunlight can charge vitamin D. Although it varies depending on the skin color, it takes about 15 to 30 minutes to produce enough vitamin D under ultraviolet rays. Exposure to ultraviolet rays longer than this can also cause health problems. The longer you are exposed to ultraviolet rays, the more likely you are to get sunburn and heatstroke.

In summer, it is better to avoid direct sunlight between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. Let’s sit in the shade, under a parasol, or stay indoors to stay healthy.

2. Use at least SPF30 for sunscreen

When choosing a sunscreen, choose a product with at least SPF 30 and if your skin burns well, it is recommended to use a product with SPF 50 or higher. If you’re going to play in the water, use a waterproof sunscreen that doesn’t even get erased by water.

  1. Protect your eyesight from strong UV raysWearing a wide-brimmed hat or baseball cap during outdoor activities can prevent 50% of the sunlight from reaching your eyes immediately. If you wear glasses, you should use lenses with UV protection. Wearing sunglasses can prevent UV rays from entering the eyes. However, when choosing sunglasses, let’s choose a product that has been proven to block UV rays.


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