Meet 1000 Korean with 1 Name. Here Top 10 Most Popular Korean Name

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The most popular surname in Korea will be Kim, Park and Lee. That’s why, among celebrities in Korea, there are too many coming for this family background name. Most interestingly, these three big names have their own story and history. That’s why, they are among the biggest surname in Korea.

But there is also a lot of interesting and good meaning from surname such as Kang, Lim, Roh, Shin, Eun, Song, Nam and many more. In Korea there are more than 1000 people use same name with only different surname. Most interestingly, this name is not necessary for one gender only. So, you will meet boy and girl carry same name in Korea.

Special for loyal KOREA BUZZ readers all over the world, we list you 10 most popular and common names been use by Korean family for their kids. Don’t be surprise, some of the name also use by famous Korean Celebrities. Which name you like?

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